Little Joe McIntosh's Family Tree

Web Blog

Welcome to our family tree Website. This site is always improving. If you have any information that will help us, please feel free to contact us.

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This Website is dedicated to our mother - We miss her greatly!

b. October 25, 1932

Mary Jane Josephine McIntosh
Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada

McIntosh Family Crest

McIntosh Family Crest / McIntosh Coat Of Arms
McIntosh Coat Of Arms

d. November 19, 2000

We miss her greatly!
Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada.

Pilon Coat-of-Arms * Normandy, France 17th century

Pilon Coat-of-Arms * Normandy, France 17th century

Pilon Homestead Now George Island Marina
Pilon Homestead Now George Island Marina


The following information probably is not as accurate as it could be, but is presented here to offer a starting point for my fellow researchers, and nothing more. If you know for a fact or suspect that any of the information presented on this website is incorrect, feel free to drop me an Email and tell me about it.
Thank you, Donna Nagle

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Our McIntosh Family Tree

Donna Nagle and Little Joe's Family Tree Website